Fire fighters will learn techniques to breach a wall with and without a hand tool. This skill is necessary when a fire fighter must move from a room where conditions are deteriorating to an area that is more tenable. Because existing egresses such as doors and windows may be difficult to locate or open, fire fighters may be required to breach a wall. Once breached, the fire fighter can pass through the space separating the studs. Fire fighters will learn the following techniques to reduce their profile to pass through a small space: Front swim Backstroke Partial SCBA removal Full SCBA removal Multiple techniques for reducing profile are presented due to different body types having success with one over the other. This skill can be taught using an actual wall within a building, or with a simple prop made of two-by-fours. This skill is taught to a small group of fire fighters so each has sufficient time practicing the skill. Fire fighters will be allowed to attempt all prescribed options for reduced and low profile to determine their best option. To demonstrate mastery, fire fighters are required to perform this skill without vision.
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CPAT Distribution, Inc. is a proud distributor of the Ceiling Breach and Pull machine, Forcible Entry Machine,
TEL / FAX: 844-973-7874