Administrative Services

Administrative Services

CPAT Distribution will provide a CPAT consultant to come to your location and train your proctors. Your candidates will be trained on the detailed points provided in the CPAT manual. The consultant will also provide information on some of the Administration points when it comes to CPAT testing. Your trained team of proctors will have a classroom and hands on session. The classroom session will breakdown the rules and regulations along with the finer points of the CPAT test. The hands on portion will have mock candidates running the course, participants will be proctoring each other under the supervision of the CPAT consultant. At the end of the training, your team will be well equipped to start proctoring real life candidates.

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CPAT Distribution, Inc. is a proud distributor of the Ceiling Breach and Pull machine, Forcible Entry Machine...
CPAT Distribution, Inc. is a proud distributor of the Ceiling Breach and Pull machine, Forcible Entry Machine...
CPAT Distribution, Inc. is a proud distributor of the Ceiling Breach and Pull machine, Forcible Entry Machine...

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